Revoltech joins Mittelstandsbeirat


Lucas Fuhrmann, revoltech CEO: I've been invited once again to participate in the bi-annual Mittelstandsbeirat meeting on June 17th.  This platform brings together experienced SME entrepreneurs to discuss the current economic landscape and pressing challenges.

This session focused on transforming the SME sector towards sustainability and climate neutrality.

Minister Robert Habeck led an insightful discussion on our progress in reshaping our processes and business models, while Stefan B. Wintels, CEO of KfW, shared his expertise on financing the green transition.

To connect this discussion with recent findings, I recommend reviewing a relevant study published yesterday: Germany's Position in the World Competitiveness Ranking, unfortunately showing that Germany has fallen behind (link in the comments).

Key Challenges we face:
? Germany's lagging position due to slow digitalization and outdated infrastructure.
? Increasing difficulties in business conditions, exacerbated by bureaucracy and regulatory burdens.
⚖️ The need for more stable frameworks to reduce administrative workload and focus on value creating activities.

Despite these challenges, I remain confident in the resilience and potential of the German economy. Our collective commitment to innovation can drive the necessary progress to fight climate change effectively.

Let's unite and work together towards a sustainable future!

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