Rodos BioTarget GmbH provides TargoSphere® for therapy development in Brazil


Hannover, Germany/ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 10, 2014.
Rodos BioTarget GmbH supported the successful grant applications of researchers of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) who received funding from Brazilian CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) and of BioZeus Desenvolvimento de Produtos Biofarmacêuticos S.A. who received funding from FABERJ (Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro) for developing novel immunotherapies against viral and malignant diseases.
Rodos BioTarget’s partners have developed strategies for selective therapeutic gene editing. As an essential component of this novel therapy, Rodos BioTarget provides its targeted drug delivery technology platform TargoSphere® for target cell-specific delivery of the active agent. Amilcar Tanuri, MD, Professor at the Laboratory of Molecular Virology, UFRJ, commented that “A successful in-vivo proof of concept of the TargoSphere®-mediated delivery of active agent into the target cells, and resultant therapeutic efficacy, will be an innocuous means for gene-therapeutic treatments of patients when compared to virally based delivery systems”. Luis Caroli, Biozeus’ CEO added: “Combining technologies and know-how from different parts of the world in a joint drug development effort is an efficient way to develop new therapies. Biozeus has the right development platform to manage and coordinate such a global approach”. Dr. Marcus Furch, Rodos BioTarget’s CEO finally remarked: “This project is well in line with the company’s vision of developing innovative therapies by embracing unrivalled expertise and local resources prevailing in emerging pharmaceutical markets such as Brazil for global medical needs”.

About Rodos BioTarget
According to the company’s mission statement, ‘To become the industry leader in targeted drug delivery by providing TargoSphere® nanocarriers for enabling significantly enhanced prophylactic and therapeutic approaches against devastating diseases', Rodos BioTarget GmbH consequently develops its TargoSphere® technology platform. By allowing to address different cell types by employing diverse targeting anchor, TargoSpheres® are of great interest for the pharmaceutical industry: Suitable active agents can now be delivered directly to their intracellular site of action and thus help solve problems in the control of infections as well as malignant and autoimmune diseases. In addition, TargoSpheres® allow to re-define already established active ingredients for making them more effective and/or less burdened with side-effects. In non-partnered programs, Rodos BioTarget develops antibacterial and antiviral TargoBiotics® and TargoVir® applications for combatting intracellular infections. For additional information, please see
Contact: Dr. M. Furch (CEO), + 49 176 3921 3096 and Dr. R. Gieseler-von der Crone (CSO), +49 176 6292 9350 / Rodos BioTarget GmbH /

About Biozeus
Biozeus is a drug development company founded in 2012 by a Brazilian venture capital fund (BBI Financial) with the mandate to identify, de-risk and advance the development of promising early-stage drug candidates discovered at leading Brazilian research institutions. Biozeus works to transform new discoveries into viable drug development candidates and investment opportunities for the worldwide pharmaceutical/ biotechnology industry. By bridging the commercialization gap between academia and industry, Biozeus translates research discoveries into new therapies for patients. Biozeus is the only company of its kind in Brazil, having the broad and varied expertise and infrastructure required to source, evaluate and advance both small molecule and biologic innovative technologies through early clinical stages. The company's current pipeline includes projects licensed in from Brazilian universities or in joint development with national or global partners. Current projects include candidates in most of the major therapeutic categories and range in development stage from discovery through late stage preclinical development.
Contact: Luis Eduardo Caroli (CEO), +55 21 985522039 and Thomas Gerlach, +55 21 982916201/ Biozeus /

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