PRIME’s technology for the development of novel veterinary vaccines


Boehringer Ingelheim and PRIME enter a strategic collaboration

Prime Vector Technologies (PRIME), a Biotech Startup focusing on the development of viral vector based vaccines, and Boehringer Ingelheim, a leading global research-based pharmaceutical company, announce that they have entered a strategic collabora- tion, option and licence agreement. The collaboration is set to establish and test up to eight dif- ferent vaccine candidates against a variety of veterinary diseases within the next three years us- ing PRIME’s proprietary Orf virus (ORFV) platform technology.

ORFV platform

ORFV belongs to the family of poxviridae and possesses an excellent safety profile, stable expression of multiple transgenes simultaneously and is well suited for the possibility of multiple dose immunizations. Prior to the collaboration agreement, the platform was de- veloped at the University of Tuebingen, and showed to be effective in various host ani- mals against different infectious diseases. “After so many years of research and devel- opment on our platform, we are proud to receive the commitment to and trust in our technology from Boehringer Ingelheim as one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical com- panies in the animal health market. With this strong partner, we are excited to advance our technology and to enhance our contribution to improving animal health,” says Dr. Ralf Amann, CEO of PRIME.


PRIME is an innovative, pre-clinical stage research and development company special- ized in designing next generation vaccines based on the ORFV vector platform. Using a modular brick system, the platform technology offers flexibility to generate multivalent and thus, highly effective vaccines. ORFV-based vaccines induce not only strong hu- moral, but also cellular immune responses and thus, are well suited for use as preventive, as well as therapeutic vaccines in humans and animals. The company was founded in 2019 as a spin-off from the University of Tuebingen in the frame of the EXIST high-tech startup support program from the federal ministry for economic affairs and energy.

About Boehringer Ingelheim

Boehringer Ingelheim is working on breakthrough therapies that improve the lives of hu- mans and animals. As a leading research-driven biopharmaceutical company, the com- pany creates value through innovation in areas of high unmet medical need. Founded in 1885 and family-owned ever since, Boehringer Ingelheim takes a long-term perspective.

Around 52,000 employees serve more than 130 markets in the three business areas, Hu- man Pharma, Animal Health, and Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing.
For more information on the Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health business visit

Press Contact

Dr. Ferdinand Salomon
T +49 7121 820 1642

Prime Vector Technologies GmbH
Herrenberger Straße 24
D-72070 Tübingen

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